Fire Protection

General information

Fire Protection is a complex and thoroughly regulated field, defining all general measures that are supposed to prevent the development and spread of a fire.
We divide that field into fire protection/prevention and fire-fighting.
We support our customers in the fire prevention segment to protect the companies with the people inside the premises against the dangers of a fire and to give the management the certainty to be legally on the safe site.

Liza Gebicke; B.Sc.

Fire Protection Specialist

We provide you an external Fire Protection Officer

If a company needs to have a fire protection officer depends on the business objective and the size of it.
The necessity and scope of that position can be a result of e.g. the building permission, insurance requirements or a risk analysis of a safety engineer.

The main tasks of a fire protection officer are:

To consult and support the management with regards to
• fire protection, fire-fighting and related organization
• emergency planning
• assessment of workplace fire hazards
• hot work permits and use of flammable working material
• choosing the correct fire fighting equipment

To check
• the internal fire safety regulations
• the escape and emergency route as well as emergency/alarm plans
• storage and means of storage of fire hazard liquids, gases etc.
• fire safety signs

• to identify dangers of fire and explosions
• to the creation of working instructions that are connected to fire protection
• to structural, technical and organizational measures connected to fire protection
• to the compliance with building fire safety regulations at new and re-constructions, changes of usage, rental of new spaces etc.
• to the implementation of the internal fire safety regulations
• to the definition of interim processes in case of outages of fire safety devices

Further tasks:
• conducting internal fire safety inspections
• reporting of non-conformities, suggestion of solutions, observation of the corrective actions
• support the management with the creation of fire safety guidance material and connected employee instruction
• surveil the usability of escape and emergency routes
• organization and assurance of checks/maintenance of fire safety equipment/devices
• professional statements with view on fire protection investments
• documentation of fire protection operations


Fire protection assistants are voluntary employees who take care of certain tasks in case of a fire in their area.
We recommend to combine that function with evacuation assistants to be well prepared for any kind of evacuation and fires inside your premises.
The aim is to have all zones of your site covered by those assistants to assure that everyone is leaving the area safely and the blue light organizations are provided with information about the respective zones, e.g. if persons are missing or injured.
We train your team of volunteers profound and practice-oriented considering the local circumstances.

The assistants will become able to
• support the fire protection officer
• prevent fires by supervising hot works
• fight initial fires
• use fire safety/fighting equipment like extinguishers and fire hose reels
• evacuate their respective area
• instruct arriving rescue forces
The training includes a realistic extinguish part of real flames with special training equipment

The best way out

An escape and emergency route plan presents dedicated emergency routes and the positions of safety/extinguish equipment inside a Building on a simplified floor plan.
Additionally it contains information/rules regarding a proper behaviour in case of accidents and fire. The plans must be kept up to date and overseeable.

The duty to have such plans comes nearly automatically for employers, hotels, accommodation and meeting places as well as special constructions.

We create escape and emergency route plans according to DIN ISO 23601 and support you with keeping them up to date.

The costs for such plans depend on the connected effort
• Do you have floor plans in paper format only, or can you provide them digitally (best case in .dwg)?
• Are the floor plans up to date?
• Is the design of the plans quite simple or complex?
• How many plans per floor are needed?

Fire safety regulations part A, B and C

The internal fire safety regulation is a kind of company directive that contains preventive measures, general behaviour rules and special emergency response processes for fire and emergency situations.
All employees must be informed about that directive with posters and frequent personal instructions.
We create compliant internal fire safety regulations for you, which include the definition of the necessary processes behind it. In general it makes sense to combine that with the creations of the escape and emergency route plans and an emergency response plan (ERP, more details in our “Security” section).

More details about the internal fire safety regulation according to DIN 14096

• Part A is meant to address all persons inside the building. This part can be printed as part of the escape and emergency route plan.

• Part B is for persons that are frequently and/or long termed present inside the building. It contains important rules about the prevention of the spread of fire and smoke, keeping escape/emergency routes clear and further behaviour in case of fire related points. This part needs to be handed out in written.

• Part C is a special part for those employees who are actively involved in fire safety tasks. This part contains the process of an evacuation and overlappings with the ERP.